<aside> 💡 Notion Tip: Edit help articles just like any other document. Create headings, bullets, numbered lists, a table of contents, etc. Drag and drop images or embed videos. Learn more about different types of content blocks here.


Customize Confirmation and/or Waitlist Email

  1. Navigate to the RSVP page
  2. Click "Confirmation Email" or “Waitlist” on the left side menu
  3. Choose your desired sender
  4. Write your subject line
  5. Write the desired contents of the email
    1. To add a hyperlink click the highlight the word/section you would like and press the link button.
      1. If you would like it to appear as a button toggle that option on
    2. The image icon gives you the option to upload an image or paste a URL
  6. Add attachments vis the paperclip icon
  7. Design Options:
    1. Choose the style of your email (basic or marketing) in the bottom right side drop down of the screen
    2. Customize your font and layout by selecting the A
    3. Change the color of your text, foreground, or background by selecting the palette icon
    4. Add horizontal, dividing, lines into your email by selecting the -

Screen Recording 2023-06-15 at 11.56.07 AM.mov


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