<aside> 💡 Send from and reply to are powerful features that empower you to send communications on someone else's behalf and manage incoming communications.


Send From

  1. Within the campaign click the drop down arrow on the far left side of the send from box
  2. Select your sender

Screen Recording 2024-01-29 at 4.45.24 PM.mov

Edit Display Name

  1. Within the campaign click the drop down arrow in the middle of the box next to the sender name
  2. Click Edit Display Name
  3. Enter desired text
  4. Press Save

Screen Recording 2024-01-29 at 4.45.52 PM.mov

Reply To

  1. Within the campaign, click the three vertical dots to the left of the subject line
  2. Click Set Reply To
  3. Choose your desired contact

Screen Recording 2024-01-29 at 4.46.28 PM.mov