<aside> đŸ’¡ Utilize QR codes for seamless guest registration at events or incorporate them into confirmation emails for effortless check-in. Simply scan the codes for swift and hassle-free entry!


Event Registration QR Code

Finding the Event Registration QR Code

  1. Hit Check In Guests (via web or app)

  2. In the top right corner you will see a QR code button, click it

  3. A QR code will pop up, print this out & share as needed to allow for quick, easy registration.

    Screen Recording 2024-02-06 at 2.44.29 PM.mov

Check-In/Guest Specific QR Codes

Add Guest QR Codes to Confirmation Email

  1. Navigate to the RSVP Page

  2. Select Confirmation Email from the left side menu

  3. Select the three dots to the right of the paperclip

  4. Select Attach QR Code

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Scanning Guest QR Codes for Check-In

  1. Download the Gatsby App & login

  2. Hit the check in button for the event


  3. Hit the QR Code in the top right corner


  4. Confirm your camera is on the scanner option


  5. Scan the guest’s QR Code