<aside> đź’ˇ Gatsby offers you a few different login variations. You can login via google, magic link, Okta, or traditional user name and password. Here we will explain each option.


Username & Password

  1. Head to gatsby.events/login
  2. Enter your email
  3. Enter your password
  4. Hit Login

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  1. Head to gatsby.events/login
  2. Select Login with Gmail
  3. Select your account
  4. Set permissions for what you would like Gmail to access
    1. In order to allow Gatsby to send emails using this address the “Send Emails on Your Behalf” and “Read, compose, and send emails from your Gmail account” need to be selected

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Magic Link

  1. Head to gatsby.events/login
  2. Hit the “Login with Magic Link” option
  3. Enter your email
  4. Navigate to your email and find your email from Gatsby