FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Gatsby is in the process of adding functionality that requires Google’s stamp of approval. While we are going through this review process, you may see the following prompt when you choose to [Log in with Google](<https://gatsbylabs.notion.site/Logging-In-cb062d601dbc45a383bf92dd7d1fac70>)

image (1).png

You can still Log in with Google, but to do so you will need to do one of the following:

  1. Click the Advanced link to get around this prompt.
  2. Make Gatsby a trusted Application in Google (see Manage access to apps: Trusted, Limited, or Blocked)

To make Gatsby a trusted Application in Google, you can watch the following tutorial or follow the steps below:

📽️ Watch Tutorial Video Here.


Navigate to Gmail (you must be in the admin Gmail for your organization).


Click on Manage this organization as shown.

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Click on Security/Access and data/API Controls as shown.

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