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Welcome to the Contacts Dashboard! Gatsby’s powerful, advanced and integrated contact management tool.

A tool that touches every event you create, and ties together all the important details of each contact you own. For the first time, all of your contacts will show what events they attended (including their response to the event), their favorite cocktail, their birthday, or anything else you can imagine. The possibilities are endless with what you can do with Gatsby Contacts.

So, let’s get started.

The Dashboard

The dashboard is divided into 5 subsections, as shown and explained below. Please be sure to watch the tutorial videos for each to better understand the full functionality of what you can do.


  1. All Contacts - the ‘All Contacts’ subsection is where all of your contacts are listed. You have a search bar where you can locate any contact and you can ‘filter’, ‘sort by’, or add or remove ‘columns’ with a simple toggle on or off. Your default view will always be the Main tab as shown at the top of your list. You have the ability to create multiple tabs with various information by either selecting the drop-down arrow beside Main or the + to add a new tab. You can also add a new contact by using the green ‘add contact’ button at the top or import contacts.

    📽️ Tutorial Video

  2. Groups - the ‘Groups’ subsection is where you will find any groups that you have created for your contacts (i.e. engineers, VP’s, Internal, etc.). Creating a group is easy by clicking the green button at the top. You can also filter groups by using the filter bar. By clicking the checkbox beside any group, you have the ability to add to another group, add to event, or delete. By clicking on any group, it opens to a tab view of everyone in that group.

  3. Custom Fields - the ‘Custom Fields’ subsection is where you will find existing fields, and where you can create new fields that will appear in your tabs in your Main tab (or other tabs if applicable). This subsection is divided into two further sections - “Active” and “Archived”. Active is where all of your active fields are and archived is where your archived fields are. To create a field, click the green ‘add field’ button. You can also filter fields and by clicking the drop-down arrow beside any field, you can edit or archive that field.

  4. Imports - the ‘Import’ subsection is where you will see a running history of any CSV files you have imported into Contacts. This subsection is divided into two further sections, “Import History” and “Invalid Contacts”. Import History is a current list of all imported items. Invalid Contacts shows you any contacts that didn’t import.

  5. Archived Contacts - the ‘Archived Contacts’ is where you will find and filter any archived contacts.

Updated: July 22, 2022
Still have Questions? Contact us at [email protected].