<aside> 💡 The contact profile provides a comprehensive overview of their background, including recent communications, event attendance, group affiliations, and attached notes/files. You can access contact information, associated contacts, and saved survey responses. Additionally, the guest profile allows you to tag guests for easy categorization and view their tags.


Contact Profile

  1. From the guest list, contact database, or group click on the desired contact
  2. Their profile will pop up in a window on the right hand side of the screen. You can click between the campaigns tab to see the recent communications, the events tab to see recent invites/attendance, any group affiliations, and any attached notes or files.
  3. You can also view and edit all relevant contact information along with associated contacts to CC
    1. To edit click the edit button in the top right corner
  4. To tag a contact scroll to the tags section on the profile and start typing in your desired tag
    1. If the tag already exists you can select it from the list
    2. Otherwise select the create option

Screen Recording 2023-06-08 at 1.59.34 PM.mov

Add Custom Fields to the Contact Profile

  1. Go to the contacts page

  2. Hit the Custom Fields tab

  3. Select Add Field

  4. Enter the title of the field

  5. Select the type of field you would like

    1. Text: free text box
    2. Multi-select: select options to choose from
  6. Press Create Field

    Screen Recording 2024-01-30 at 1.01.02 PM.mov

Saving Survey Responses to the Contact Profile

  1. Navigate to the RSVP page
  2. Find the survey question that you would like the response saved for
  3. Hit the three dots at the top right of the question
  4. Select Save Responses to Contact Book